Grade 8 English A

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WEEK – 1 – Topics:- (a) Paragraph

                              Objective:- Understand the guidelines used in writing paragraphs

                                      (b) Phrase (adverbial phrase)

                              Objective:- Define a phrase and understand how to use different phrases.

                                      (C) Comprehension

                              Objective:- Read, discuss and answer questions given from a passage.

               Activity:- Topics are given to practice writing paragraphs; exercises  for phase usage and    

                                passages for comprehension.

WEEK – 2 – Topics:- (a) Descriptive Writing

                              Objective:- Understand the use of adjectives and write descriptive pieces.

                                      (b) Antonyms

                              Objective:- Use words opposite in meaning efficiently.

                                       (c) Phrase (adjectival phrase)

                              Objective:- Know the context in which an adjective phrase is used.

                                       (d) Expository Writing

                              Objective:- understand and write good expository (logically structured) pieces.

               Activity:- Topics will be given to write descriptive and expository pieces; also, exercises for   

                                 antonym usage.

WEEK – 3 –  Topics:- (a) Direct Speech

                              Objective:- understand direct speech and how to punctuate same.

                                      (b) Dialogue

                              Objective:- Write dialogues

                                      (c) Indirect Speech

                              Objective:- effectively use indirect speech in writing.

               Activity:-  Exercises will be given to practice the use of direct and indirect speeches, and 


WEEK – 4 – Topics:- (a) Subject and Predicate

                              Objective:- Write good sentences.

                                      (b) Comprehension (literary devices)

                              Objective:- Read, discuss and answer questions given from a passage (literal and implied


          (c) Subject and Verb Agreement( plural pronouns used as subjects)

                              Objective:- Understand subject and verb agreement.

               Activity:– Exercises given to practice writing sentences; passages given to test literary devices  

                                 and their usage; and exercises testing subject and verb agreement.